
KnightWolf Heroes: 

The Chronology of the Universe of Ethos

and the

Stories Within

The Story of GreatBeasts:


    Shortly after the adventures of RogueFox within the League of the Desert, Wolf was created to bring the Shadow's Bane sword, Nature's Edge, to Ultimate Shadow. He quickly met Olivia, and the two of them were coerced into entering the continent of Wolvennell. Along their journeys, they met RogueFox and Par as they were seeking out Ultimate Shadow's Army. Wolf and Olivia joined their party, with Wolf getting formal sword training from the soldiers there. Later, when the group was waylaid by Shadow's soldiers, they met StinkBird in the jungle near the society of the Bird Monks. In that same jungle, they met RoboFox and FightingBear. Together, this group became known as GreatBeasts. Their journey to search out the followers of Ultimate Shadow's army also led them to the coast of the Sea of Ethosium, where they came across SleekPanther. Finally, they found DarkDragon as they began their assault on the capital of Ultimate Shadow's army, during which they also met MindShift.

    They defeated the opposing forces using their collective Shadow's Bane weapons, bringing two years of peace to the land. Since RogueFox already led the League of the Desert and SleekPanther the SleekPanther Crew, the main members of GreatBeasts elected Wolf as their reluctant leader and found a keep that had survived from the destruction of Ancient Ethosium. They renovated it with the help of the League of the Desert and made it into the GreatBeasts Keep, which became the location of the final stand during the Shadow Infection and the fight against Ultimate Shadow.

    GreatBeasts eventually won, bringing about peace once again. During the seven years afterwards, after Wolf left the group to help those affected by the Shadow Infection, Olivia took control of GreatBeasts until the he returned.