
KnightWolf Heroes: 

The Chronology of the Universe of Ethos

and the

Stories Within

The Story of Nineum-Nu:


    When RogueFox was brought into the role of Leader of the League, he was given a suitable name. The League of the Desert's ranking system was largely centered around the amount of syllables in a person's name, one being a common soldier and four being for the Leader of the League. Thus, RogueFox needed to adopt a name that suited his new position. The one he decided upon was Nineum-Nu, an ancient name translated into Wolven.

    During his time as Leader, Nineum-Nu grew quickly. Despite his young age, he made for an extremely talented leader. He quickly set about breaking up ancient traditions that had held back the League, and instead seting up new and more efficient rules and customs to govern the League. After much studying and training with other military master-minds, Nineum-Nu trained his generals and platoon sergeants in new methods of battle. He also taught the League of the Desert about religion, teaching that the Undying Phoenix wasn't god, but instead that the God found in ancient texts, the one known as Ne'Drmi or "I Am," was the true god.

    During his rule, he joined GreatBeasts with Par and helped Wolf and the other members track down the servants of the Shadows of Corruption and defeat them. Later, he also used the forces of the League to combat the armies developed by the corrupted during the time of the Shadow Infection. His proficiency in wielding the Shadow's Bane weapon known as the Desert's Embrace was very useful in the defeat of Ultimate Shadow, even though he too was eventually corrupted. That weapon served also as a buff, increasing his innate abilities with fire given by his connection with the Undying Phoenix exponentially. 

    While stern, Nineum-Nu became one of Wolvennell's most powerful heroes, and saved the continent from many who dared to control or use it. His victories were numerous, as he relied upon those under him instead of seeking to lead by himself. Of course, since he already led the League of the Desert, he chose not to lead GreatBeasts as well, instead supporting Wolf as he too became a hero.

    During the seven years of peace after the fall of the Shadow Infection, Nineum-Nu married Par, and together they led the League. Under their rule, the military and technological prowess of the League grew a great amount, allowing the community to grow from a militaristic society into one with more rounded and diverse proficiencies. One that was to be the seed for a world even greater and more advanced than even the ancient city of Ethosium ever was.