
KnightWolf Heroes: 

The Chronology of the Universe of Ethos

and the

Stories Within

 The Story of Wolf:


    As the Shadows of Corruption grew over the 2,500 years following the fall of Ethosium, they decided that their only threats were the Undying Phoenix and the Shadow's Bane weapons. Since their attempts to defeat the former ended in a catastrophe, the Shadows of Corruption focused on the latter.

    The best way to do this, they decided, was to use them. Since the Shadow's Bane weapons only allowed certain people of their choice to wield them, the Shadows of Corruption needed a person that could both wield the Shadow's Bane weapons and also be manipulated. They started with Nature's Edge, a sword that required a user that was uniquely in-tune with nature; one whose instincts were those of an animal.

    They began experimenting on how to make the perfect person to accommodate those requirements. Their first successful creation was Wolf, a being who was half wolf, half human. Once they created him, they wiped his mind of all memories and then set about shaping his path to their whims.

    What they didn't account for, though, was Olivia. She was a threat that the Shadows of Corruption didn't expect, and was also their biggest threat out of all.

    Together, Wolf and Olivia travelled the land, searching both North and then later South into Wolvennell for Wolf's lost memories. They found Nature's Edge and had taken it with them on their travels. They also found RoboFox, who they befriended and who followed them on their journeys. Unbeknownst to them, they followed the plan made by the Shadows of Corruption almost to perfection, landing exactly in the palm of his hand. This took the form of a small, unsuspicious town run by MindShift and Selinne in an attempt to manipulate Wolf. When their attempts were discovered, though, Wolf and Olivia fled, escaping the plan laid by the Shadows of Corruption.

    Shortly after, they met RogueFox and Par, who were searching out the Shadows of Corruption's armies. Soon, they also met the other future members of GreatBeasts: StinkBird, FightingBear, SleekPanther, and DarkDragon. Together, they defeated the Shadows of Corrution and Wolf was placed at the head of GreatBeasts. Looking around himself, though, Wolf knew that he was too young and inexperienced to be a good leader. He placed upon himself the pressure of his failures, believing that anything that placed his friends in danger was his own fault.

    When he, along with GreatBeasts and the rest of the world, almost died to Ultimate Shadow during the Shadow Infection, only being saved by Olivia's abilities, the powers of GreatBeasts, and the Shadow's Bane weapons, he took that failure to heart. He blamed himself for every hurt that Ultimate Shadow had caused, and so during the following seven years of peace he left, he became a nomad to help those who had been hurt, and also to find relief from the stress that he had placed upon himself.